Monday, October 8, 2012

8 Superfoods that Make the Perfect Combination for your Overall Health

These 8 superfoods make up the perfect combination of nutrients to help give you energy, reduce cravings, maintain a healthy body weight, and support your immune system. Eat these foods daily and you will feel more satisfied, eat less, lose weight and dramatically improve your overall health.

what is in shakeology

THE PROBLEM: You can't find these very easily and how are you going to eat all 8 of them every day even if you could find them?

THE SOLUTION: Beachbody has actually searched the world to find these ancient and exotic superfoods, simply not available in your supermarket. They have cold-processed them, not with heat-so they don't lose their nutrition, and created Shakeology, which is a whole-food substitute.  I drink it for lunch EVERYDAY and have been for nearly 2 years.  It has dramatically changed my health, doing everything it says above and SO much more!  Want more info? Go to:


  1. Me gustamuchotu blog. Gracias por el contenidoincreíble. Quierodecirleaalgunas personas que perder peso no es imposibleahora. Coma diariamentealimentosbajosencarbohidratos y hagaejercicio a diario. También he oído que el café negro con leche es muyútil para estepropósito. Black Latteadelgaza 20 kg.

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